As a small-business owner, you’re responsible for two families: the one you have at home, and the one you have through work. No matter what your business, a well-conceived insurance and benefits program is essential. If you die or become disabled, insurance can help protect your family and your business.
To get a sense of how well you’ve planned for these responsibilities, ask yourself these questions:
What will happen to my business and family if I die or become disabled?
What will happen if certain key employees die or become permanently disabled?
How can I attract and retain the best employees?
How can I help ensure that my business will be able to weather unforeseen financial hardships?
What will happen to my business when I retire?
Explore this section to learn more about how insurance can help protect your business while giving you a competitive edge.
Business Continuation
One of the first things any business owner needs to consider is how to protect against events that may threaten the future of the business, like the death or disability of a proprietor, partner or key employee.